Dominique, 29years old. Last week, she began having unexplainable seizures. Prior she was healthy, working and raising her set of twins, and son. She is a loving mother, she lost her mother and father, recently her grandmother. Currently, she is on life support, in the UPENN hospital ICU. The doctors state that they can’t guarantee her recovery or if she does the quality of life she will have. I am praying for God to get the glory out of Dominique’s life, believing in total restoration. No more sickness, no more loss, may she raise her children in full abundance, strength and health. I have faith that our God can bring forth complete and total restoration. If he did it for the women with the issue of blood with one touch, he will surely heal Dominique with just a mustard seed of faith. Please pray for her family, strength and faith in this situation, that they will speak life over her. In the name of Jesus,