Greetings, NPBC Family: Praise GOD! I want thank GOD for all the blessings his bestowed upon my family, friends, and acquaintances. I want to apologize for the all the sins I committed in the past, present, and future. Please ask GOD (Jehovah) to pray for my union. I ask you to pray that He settles our broken union, mends hearts, and heals dispositions. I also ask that you pray to GOD (Jehovah) to restore and build up family and friends of mine who are struggling. Provide access to skills, employment, and money to pay bills, take care of families, and help ailing family members. Finally, Lord help me to make major decision in my life, to move forward, get closer to you, and be at peace. Amen! Lord, please provide these things so as they comply and manifest your will, Lord. We are humble. We do not ask much only that which we need. We praise, glorify, and adore you and know that all things will occur for our good. We say this in the name of your son, Emmanuel. Amen!