Greetings, NPBC Family:
Praise Jehovah! Jehovah, thank you, for the gifts and rewards that you have bestowed upon my family, my friends, and myself. Please allow me to apologize and ask for forgiveness for all sins that I have committed. But, just as important, I want to thank the NPBC family for all prayers conducted on behalf of my family, my friends, and myself. I ask that you offer prayers to Emmanuel, the son of Jehovah for spiritual healing, restoration, growth, and development. Let all who have fallen short of the glory of God, step forward and proclaim the error. Then, stand up and ask GOD to remove that error. Jehovah, I am a weak vessel. I cannot overcome these sins on my own nor can my family and friends. Help us all become more like you. Make your ways our ways. Bring us closer to you, Jehovah. Allow us to partake in the KIngdom. I say this in the name of your son, Emmanuel. Amen!