Hello, my name is Danielle and God blessed me with a remarkable son. Please touch and agree with me in prayer. My son Shawn Jr has had his Pro Day, it was March 13th in Minnesota at Concordia University, Saint Paul. We are so thankful! I am so thankful! That is only God. God did that! My son told me that he left it all on the floor. He gave it everything he had. My prayer request is that God put his super on his natural in their minds and through their eyes. That HE grants my son favor (like a shield all the way around him) and make him sought after by all the teams. That he is a 1st round draft pick which is announced on April 25th. Shawn’s first choice to play for is Seattle Seahawks and his second choice is Baltimore Ravens. I am asking that he receives three phone calls today from three different teams to come to a workout with the team. That when his coaches are contacted as a reference, all reports are positive and enhance his chances. I am also asking that all of his previous coaches that were in the NFL contact their NFL and scout contacts and put in a good word about/for him. Father God, please let those standing with me add anything that I have forgotten to ask. In Jesus name, Amen.