I am 62 years old and the oldest at my job, working with 20-40-year-old people. I have no respect and am treated as slow and elderly. I have been passed over for promotions and other upper management positions. I don’t know what to do. I need a stable income because I was taken off social security because I work. I needed my disability check because they only pay me $16 an hour. I have done knee surgery, spinal fusion in my back with a steel rod and four screws. Conquered breast cancer in 2000, beat ovarian cancer in 1986. Sciatic nerve issues now in my left hip. I struggle daily with diabetes and cholesterol, cataracts, and eye surgery. God brought me through it all. I need a financial blessing to stop working and be healed and rest, but I don’t see a way out. All doors are closed now, so I can’t go through. I don’t know what I’ve done for God to be so mad at me that my blessings have stopped. I’m tired of working, but I want to trust God that he will rescue me, that I can control myself, and that all my issues will be resolved. My other issue is my son, Michel. He’s in prison and wrongly accused of a crime he didn’t commit. He’s been in jail for 15 years. He has two kids. One is still in foster care, and the other is 21 and hasn’t seen him since she was five. She doesn’t remember him. My son is depressed and has lost faith in God because he also prays to God daily for release and no answer, so he’s given up on God. I can’t counsel him because I’ve lost hope in God. I need prayer now that God will come and release my son. I need deliverance from this job to rest and heal from my disease, but I still need an income. I no longer want to be at this company, but I must get out before a stroke. I had that in 2020, a partial stroke at my last job. I’m tired, and I don’t have an answer anymore. I need Jesus to step in and pick me up because I’m at the end of my rope. Mentally and physically. I need Jesus to step in and perform a miracle in my life. Restore my family, faith, and strength. Amen. Please pray for me, Michel, and Destiny. Please, we need a miracle.