Hello, and thank you for your previous prayer requests. I am writing because I want to learn to be patient and not rush things God has planned for me. I am in this mind state that I own something. Still, In reality, I know I should be patient and wait on the Lord until he opens a door because of my compulsive nature, and this “want this right now mentality” has made me miss many opportunities and chances to better myself if a job role comes around I want to be humble and respectful to employers and not go around acting entitled for a job or prideful to the point of believing that job or role is mine when it’s not affirmed yet. I want God to work on
My humbleness and modishness when it comes to approaching employers and waiting on God to make his next move without me acting in my flesh and being desperate, I want to operate from my spirit in these situations and I don’t want to put my trust in the job market, but I want to put my trust in God and his plans for me. I also want to acknowledge and find a sense of accomplishment in my current work role, and I want to be proud of my work at my current job and in my college life. Please pray for my pride to be removed and for me to find peace and happiness from what I have now and not what I don’t have. Remove all compulsive behaviors in spending and just chasing a job because of my current pay. God bless you for your prayers and your understanding.