First off thank you to whom ever has been praying for me while I attend college. I sincerely appreciate whomever interceding on God’s behalf I am thankful for your prayers. I have a prayer report I have been doing well in class but I noticed that I am not taking my classes as seroiusly as I should I am putting leisure in front of my studies I am not personally pleased by my actions the fact that I’ve come so far but have been putting myself short has been disappointing to be honest. I am ashamed that I have not been devoting my self to my studies and I feel I am letting God down with my actions. I really need to get my grades to a A or a B this semester and I believe I have been putting myself back and setting my self up for failure. I need at this time to get out of SAP or student academic probation and I cannot do this on my own and I know I will need to make sacrifices such as lessening my leisure time and focusing on getting my priorities out of the way when it comes to schooling and education. I really need gods help to abstain me from leisure activities at this time and to help me catch up to my grades I need someone to pray that the lord gives me a studious and disciplined spirit and to obey my priorities In life and to stop putting leisure in front of my education. I realized that I messed up by not attending to my studies and it’s costing me. I want to graduate this semester with a A or a B I want to put in the work and I truly know God wants this for me because he wouldn’t have gotten me this far to where I am debt free and now I am able to attend college even on SAP. I ask God to give me a disciplined and studious spirit to complete all assignments I need to complete and complete them to the best I God enables me to do. I want to sincerly pray that I sacrifice my leisure time to finishing my studies and I pray that the lord will give me a seriousness and sober perspective towards my education which is the key to my future and the key for me to advance my life I will be just grateful in my heart and my spirit as right now I am in need of God to bless me this semester with passing my courses and keep me from procrastinating again when it comes to my education which is upmost importance. Whomever praying for this request I sincerely thank you and I hope god blessed you and your family in return. Thank you for taking the time to read this request and pray for me.